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Prepare for a new career, learn new skills to advance in your current job, or further your education to meet your professional goals with ECA’s flexible, online programs. Whether you need to complete your high school diploma or want to earn a college degree, our accredited programs can help you prepare to take the next step from home, on your schedule.

Child Psychology

Certificate      4 months

Child Psychology Certificate

If you’re currently working with children in education or the social or health services industries, or you'd like to refine your knowledge of childhood development for personal use, our online Child Psychology Certificate Program can help enhance your skills. Through flexible online courses, you'll cover the principles of psychology and gain a more specific understanding of the psychological makeup of children and adolescents. 

  • Our Child Psychology Certificate is geared toward those who currently work in a related field and want to enhance their skills, students who want to supplement their current psychology coursework, or those looking to build the skills to better understand the children they may live or work with. 

  • Child psychology courses cover foundational knowledge in the stages of growth and development for children 12 years old and younger, including patterns of growth and the impact of biology and behavior. 

  • Graduates can choose to further their education and may transfer program assignments to our Early Childhood Education Associate Degree.

  • Our online programs are flexible enough for you to finish them at a pace that works for you, based on how much time you can dedicate to your coursework each week.



Self Paced

Kid Painting

What You Will Learn

  1. How to develop effective personal communication skills in the use and selection of words, gestures, tone of voice, facial expressions, listening skills, and physical appearance.

  2. How to identify patterns of growth, change, and responsibility that occur in a person’s life from conception through adolescence, including those of genetics, developmental psychology, the physical environment, and social and cultural influences.

  3. How to recognize psychological disorders and available treatments.

  4. How to recognize the anxiety and mood disorders that affect children in adolescence, in particular obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), social phobias, panic disorders, depression, and stress disorders.

  5. Full Program Goal & Outcomes

Child Psychology Course Curriculum

  • 4 courses

  • 18 exams

  • 40.8 Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Estimated completion time:

  • Fast track = 4 months

  • Average time = 8 months

With ECA , you can learn at whatever pace works best for you. Some learners will be more comfortable moving faster, and dedicating more time, and the fast track estimate will apply to them. The average track will apply to most learners who can dedicate a few hours per week to completing their coursework.

In our online child psychology course curriculum, you'll learn the foundational concepts of psychology including the impact behavior and environment can have on growth and development. Your child psychology courses include:


  • Child Development

  • Essentials of Psychology

  • Child Psychology

  • Abnormal Child Psychology

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