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Prepare for a new career, learn new skills to advance in your current job, or further your education to meet your professional goals with ECA’s flexible, online programs. Whether you need to complete your high school diploma or want to earn a college degree, our accredited programs can help you prepare to take the next step from home, on your schedule.

Accounting Essentials

Certificate      7 months

Accounting Essentials Certificate

Whether you’re already in the finance industry, looking to stay up to date on your accounting skills, or are interested in learning more about accounting, ECA Career School's online Accounting Essentials Certificate can help you prepare to refresh your resume. With flexible courses, you can grow your confidence in your skills around your schedule, from home.


  • Offers an accounting-focused curriculum covering essentials like financial management and industry-standard accounting computer applications.

  • Can help students prepare to add credentials to their resume, build new skills, advance in a current role, or pursue further accounting training.

  • Our online programs are flexible enough for you to finish them at a pace that works for you, based on how much



Self Paced


What You Will Learn

  1. How to examine financial statements to ensure that they are accurate and comply with laws and regulations.

  2. How to inspect account books and accounting systems for efficiency and use of accepted accounting procedures.

  3. How to create, organize, and maintain financial records.

  4. How to assess financial operations and make best-practices recommendations to management.

  5. Full Program Goal & Outcomes

Accounting Essentials Certificate Curriculum

  • 4 courses

  • 53.9 continuing education units (CEUs)

  • 17 exams

  • 2 submitted projects

Estimated completion time:

  • Fast track = 7 months

  • Average time = 11 months

With ECA, you can learn at whatever pace works best for you. Some learners will be more comfortable moving faster, and dedicating more time, and the fast track estimate will apply to them. The average track will apply to most learners who can dedicate a few hours per week to completing their coursework.

In our online Accounting Essentials Certificate, you'll focus on learning or refreshing financial and math skills that can help you prepare to better understand finance, add credentials to your resume, or further your accounting education. Your online classes include:


  • Mathematics for Business and Finance

  • Financial Accounting

  • Managerial Accounting

  • Computer Applications in Accounting


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